Shuttle diplomacy anecdote from Henry Kissinger

Here it is; the real art of negotiations. Level: God.

Henry Kissinger was once asked to explain what shuttle diplomacy was.

– Oh! It is a never-failing old Jewish method. Let me give you an example. Suppose you want to marry Rockefeller’s daughter to a lad from a Siberian village.

– How would you do that?

– Easy. I go to a Siberian village, find there a young man and ask him, “Would you like to marry an American Jew?”

He says, “Why?! We’ve got awesome girls here!”

“Well, but she is the daughter of a billionaire.”

He goes: “Oh! This changes things…”


Then I go to Switzerland, walk into a large bank’s board meeting and ask, “How would you like to have a simple Siberian man to be your bank’s President?”

“Oh, hell no!”

“What if I told you he was Rockefeller’s son-in-law?

“Oh! This changes things…”


So then I go see Rockefeller and ask, “Would you like your daughter to marry a Russian peasant?”

“What do you mean?! Everyone in my family is in banking.”

“Funny you should mention that, he is actually a Swiss bank President.”

“Oh! This changes things… Susie, come here, my child. Mr. Kissinger found you a good husband. He is the president of a large Swiss bank.”

“Bah! All big bankers are punies or gays!”

And I say, “Well, this one is a strong Siberian hunk.”

“Oh! This changes things…”


Russian source:

Link active as of January 27, 2017. RV